Fairy Creek Old Growth Logging – Livetweet of BC Supreme Court Injunction Hearing

September 21, 2021

Fairy Creek Old Growth Logging – Livetweet of BC Supreme Court Injunction Hearing


This is a live-tweet of a 4-day injunction hearing in BC Supreme Court. If you haven’t heard of Fairy Creek, it’s the last area of old-growth ancient forest on Southern Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

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Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

March 31, 2020

Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

There has been too much confusion around whether we should be wearing masks while in public during the pandemic. I’m in the “Yes” camp, and I’ve noticed that all the doctors I’ve talked to are in the Yes camp too, no matter what politicians and public officials have been saying.

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Gray Metal – jewelry cast from beach plastic

January 6, 2019

Gray Metal – jewelry cast from beach plastic

Well before the most recent wave of coverage of the crisis of plastic accumulating in our oceans, jeweler and artist Jesse Gray of Gray Metal started picking up beach plastic on Vancouver Island and casting some of it into jewelry.

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Vote-splitting, privilege, BC Green party, “voting conscience” and first-past-the-post elections

April 27, 2017

Vote-splitting, privilege, BC Green party, “voting conscience” and first-past-the-post elections

Dear British Columbians, especially youth voters:

I’m an environmentalist, and I have been feeling the need to state that if you vote BC Green in the BC election on May 9, it is very likely you will help re-elect the far-right BC Liberals (unless you are on Southern Vancouver Island).

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Swedish architect Per Friberg – possible designer of house in Bron/Broen

March 14, 2017

Swedish architect Per Friberg  – possible designer of house in Bron/Broen

Above: Erlandson Villa designed by Per Friberg. Below: detective Martin
Rohde in “Bron/Broen” (The Bridge)

The Bridge (Bron/Broen) is a Danish-Swedish TV co-production set on both sides of the  Øresund Bridge that links Copenhagen, Denmark & Malmö, Sweden.

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The Log’s Log by Carole Itter, 1972-3

March 9, 2017

The Log’s Log by Carole Itter, 1972-3

Fittingly this book arrived in the mail on Iternational Women’s Day. I’ve always wanted a copy of it. Only 1000 were printed so I was surprised I could get one.

The book is documentation of an extended artwork by Vancouver artist Carole Itter in which she found a yellow cedar log on the beach in BC, cut it in pieces, put handles on each segment, wrapped them in canvas and took the entire log with her as baggage to Nova Scotia via the Canadian National railway.

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