One last Vancouver house by Arthur Erickson. The house was built for and is still owned by the painterGordon Smith and his partner Marion. They have carefully maintained it over the years, in keeping with Erickson’s original design and intention. There’s an interesting article in Vancouver Magazine about the difference between their informed maintenance and the slow degradation of Erickson’s nearby Graham House, which was demolished in 2007. For another painter’s house in West Vancouver, see the BC Binning house here. All photos are from Arthur Erickson’s site and are by Ezra Stoller, John Fulker and Steven Zhen Wang.
6 comments on "Smith House by Arthur Erickson"
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erickson was such an important architect not only in terms of his relationship with the local geography, but as a bridge between a few different eras of design on the west coast. the smith house looks great sans paint but i know the weather was taking its toll…
I know. There may have been no choice but to treat it, but it still look great and is a beautiful house no matter what, and has worn well despite harsh, wet conditions in that spot. But these photos from when the cedar was new are unbelievably beautiful.
The top and middle (third one down) photos show one of AE’s guidelines – cadence.
I took my Kwantlen Interior Design students to see the Smith House as well as the two Eppich ones. After I gave them a quiz and the question was, ” Draw the three DIFFERENT post and beam arrangements as seen at the three Erickson houses we visited.” Only 1/20 students got it right and her name was Hollingsworth (no relation to the West
Vancouver architectural family)!
Send answers to the above – no awards/prizes for correct answer but the knowledge that you’re very observant!
mb – you should leave information here about your film, Coast Modern! I’m sure many readers would be interested…
and Terry, thanks for the homework – I can’t answer that question and now have to go do some research.
i purchased a home 11 years ago in white rock….the house was built in 1962 and was actually moved from vancouver to white rock
we were told that this house was built by a very well know architect …i am wondering if there is any way this house may have been designed by arthur erickson and if there is any way to find out…it is indeed very different…with slanted huge front windows and exposed beams…is there any way of knowing?
Send photos of the house, and I’ll try find out who built it!