
The oldest written melody in history circa1400 BC

November 14, 2013

The oldest written melody in history circa1400 BC

Hurrian moon hymn circa 1400 BC inscribed in cuneiform on clay tablet

“This is “a “live” arrangement of the 3400 year old “Hurrian Hymn no.6″, which was discovered in Ugarit, ancient northern Canaan (now modern Syria) in the early 1950s, and was preserved for 3400 years on a clay tablet, written in the Cuneiform text of the ancient Hurrian language – The Hurrian Hymn (catalogued as Text H6) was discovered in Ugarit, Syria, in the early 1950s, and was preserved for 3400 years on a clay tablet, written in the Cuneiform text of the ancient Hurrian language.

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