Cosmic dust, on tumblr

white bedroom from cosmic_dust

If tumblr is a bellwether—and it may not be—then the sixties & seventies are back, in style if not in substance. So many of tumblr’s weird little blogs, each of them a kind of eclectic personal bulletin board, feature this kind of rock and roll Hair: The Musical meets back-to-the-land handmade-house thing. They have a taste for a simpler yet groovier style of living, but it’s never clear if there’s any politics behind the back to the land aesthetics.

They call it tumblr for a reason. Thanks to the way tumblr makes it simple to re-post an image from someone else’s tumblr blog in your own tumblr stream, while providing you with a link back to theirs, each tumblr collection instantly leads you on to many others with a similar world view. I’m not sure how I first came upon cosmic_dust, possibly it was here, but it led to alaskaneyes and self_romance which led to endless numbers of strange little worlds. These images are a tiny sample from the addictive cosmic_dust.

hippie house biomorphic from cosmic_dust

mick jagger, hippie, via cosmic_dust

white tree house via cosmic_dust

yurt, via cosmic_dust

glass house via cosmic_dust

landon by hello_bum on flickr via cosmic_dust

russian church joel-sternfeld

treehouse via cosmic_dust

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