
Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

March 31, 2020

Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

There has been too much confusion around whether we should be wearing masks while in public during the pandemic. I’m in the “Yes” camp, and I’ve noticed that all the doctors I’ve talked to are in the Yes camp too, no matter what politicians and public officials have been saying.

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Gray Metal – jewelry cast from beach plastic

January 6, 2019

Gray Metal – jewelry cast from beach plastic

Well before the most recent wave of coverage of the crisis of plastic accumulating in our oceans, jeweler and artist Jesse Gray of Gray Metal started picking up beach plastic on Vancouver Island and casting some of it into jewelry.

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Russian family crest and coat of arms

February 19, 2017

Russian family crest and coat of arms

Just curious if anyone out there can read the symbolism in this crest? These wax seal stamps are from a Russian relative and I think they might be fairly old. The design seems to vary from stamp to stamp, one having lions and another having deer or impala, but despite differences it seems to be the same crest.

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Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

January 28, 2017

Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

Border following the Rio Grande. Image from CNN video

The Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP) Statement on the Proposal to Build a Wall between what is Known as the US and what is Known as México:

Approved by the SIP EC January 27, 2017

The Society of Indian Psychologists strongly opposes President Trump’s proposal to build a wall between what is known as the United States of America and what is known as México.

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Jane Fonda flying to oppose tar sands isn’t hypocrisy; that’s a “tu quoque” logical fallacy

January 13, 2017

Jane Fonda flying to oppose tar sands isn’t hypocrisy; that’s a “tu quoque” logical fallacy

@JaneSeymourFonda in the Alberta tar sands: with @barbarawilliam_, @UBCIC Grand Chief Stewart Phillip and ACFN (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation) Chief Allan Adam on January 11, 2017 (UBCIC Instagram)

This post is about a logical fallacy that for a decade has been popping up all over social media and comment streams on news stories.

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Dad’s foolproof parallel parking method (take note, atrocious drivers in fancy cars)

August 18, 2016

Dad’s foolproof parallel parking method (take note, atrocious drivers in fancy cars)

OK. Having witnessed perhaps the most staggeringly incompetent parallel park of all time by the driver of the $500K US Lamborghini Aventador above—something like a 17 point turn that took about 4 minutes, all at a roaring 90-100 decibels—I feel it’s time to share my father’s foolproof method of parallel parking.

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Endangered 5000 year old ancient practice of making silk made from mollusc slime

January 15, 2016

Endangered 5000 year old ancient practice of making silk made from mollusc slime

“Haste doesn’t live here,” says one sign on the door. Another inside says “Nothing in this room is for sale.” An Italian woman named Chiara Vigo is the last living master of the ancient textile tradition of spinning “baysuss” or silk produced from the fibres exuded by a giant mediterranean mollusc.

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