Electric Vehicle Charging Station by Designers At Large

Pleasingly sci-fi device which provides you with shelter while it charges your electric vehicle. This prototype from Vancouver design/architecture firm Designers At Large makes me want an electric car. From the designers:

“Electric Vehicle Rapid Charging Station shelter/enclosure designed by Designers at Large (Structural design by Paul Miskimmin of DNA) for BCHydro, Powertech Labs, and Science World is nearing completion. As the first of its kind in BC, the EVRCS is in part a fully operational Level 3 electric vehicle charging station and part public EV advocacy exhibit.”

If you’re in Vancouver, the station will be installed temporarily in Olympic Plaza at Southeast False Creek (close to ‘The Birds’) for the EV 2010 VÉ Electric Vehicles Conference and Trade Show from Sept. 13th-16th. After the conference it will moved to Science World as part of their new outdoor exhibit program.

And now it’s painted and installed:

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