Mick Jagger

These photos of Mick are in honour of my Uncle Bob, who kindly pointed me to Rolling Stone’s large collection of Jagger portraits. It’s particularly interesting to watch the 60s morph into the 70s with a crazy loss of style in the 80s. 80s not shown here, just because, but you can see the whole slidehow at the links. Above: Mick Jagger, Caesar or god king, backstage during the Rolling Stones Tour of the Americas in 1975. Photo: Sykes/Hulton Archive/Getty via Rolling Stone. Below, opening fan mail in 1963. Photo: Maclear/Hulton Archive/Getty. Below that: Anita Pallenberg and Mick Jagger in a scene from Performance, a film co-directed by Nicolas Roeg in 1970. Bottom, 1960. Via.

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