This is a letter from the Queen’s office, written in response to a letter from Montrealer Chantal Dupuis who had written the Queen asking her to use her powers to remove our clearly lunatic prime minister. Via Huffington Post and Facebook:
“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has refused a request by a Quebec resident to fire Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Chantal Dupuis, a Montreal resident, wrote The Queen in December requesting that she remove Harper from his position.
“As Your Majesty is our head of state, I have no other choice but to ask Your Majesty to help us Canadians to remove Stephen Harper from the office of Prime Minister of Canada, because Canadian democracy is in danger like never before in its history,” she wrote in a Dec. 16, 2011, letter.
Dupuis complained that Harper has repeatedly violated the Canadian constitution, that he doesn’t deserve a majority government after having obtained less than 50 per cent of the popular vote and that his appointees, the Governor General and his senators, are just doing his bidding instead of fulfilling their duties.
Dupuis suggested that Governor General David Johnston should have kicked Harper out of office after his government had been found to have been in contempt of Parliament in March, 2011, but instead, she said, the Harper-appointee did nothing.
“In the past, people went to prison for having been found in contempt of Parliament, but now, when the totality of the government Stephen Harper leads is found in contempt, nothing is done to protect Canadians and their constitutional rights,” Dupuis said.
“As a Canadian, I was wondering when Your Majesty would intervene to protect us Canadians?” she asked. “How could Her Majesty, as the chef of Canada, do nothing? It hurts the history of the Commonwealth, does it not?” she continued.
The Queen’s senior correspondence officer, Sonia Bonici, responded on Feb. 24, 2012, thanking Dupuis for her letter but confirming Her Majesty had no plans to remove Harper from office.
“Her Majesty has taken note of the views you express but I should explain that there is no question of The Queen dismissing the Canadian Prime Minister or dissolving Parliament as you suggest,” Bonici wrote.
“Nonetheless, it was useful to The Queen to have your views and I am to thank you for writing,” the correspondence officer concluded.”
@ Mike: Me too. I love Chantal Dupuis, whoever she is, and the queen’s secretary too.