
Fairy Creek Old Growth Logging – Livetweet of BC Supreme Court Injunction Hearing

September 21, 2021

Fairy Creek Old Growth Logging – Livetweet of BC Supreme Court Injunction Hearing


This is a live-tweet of a 4-day injunction hearing in BC Supreme Court. If you haven’t heard of Fairy Creek, it’s the last area of old-growth ancient forest on Southern Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

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Vote-splitting, privilege, BC Green party, “voting conscience” and first-past-the-post elections

April 27, 2017

Vote-splitting, privilege, BC Green party, “voting conscience” and first-past-the-post elections

Dear British Columbians, especially youth voters:

I’m an environmentalist, and I have been feeling the need to state that if you vote BC Green in the BC election on May 9, it is very likely you will help re-elect the far-right BC Liberals (unless you are on Southern Vancouver Island).

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Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

January 28, 2017

Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

Border following the Rio Grande. Image from CNN video

The Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP) Statement on the Proposal to Build a Wall between what is Known as the US and what is Known as México:

Approved by the SIP EC January 27, 2017

The Society of Indian Psychologists strongly opposes President Trump’s proposal to build a wall between what is known as the United States of America and what is known as México.

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We’re going to have to organize. Tips for constructive behaviour in a group

January 26, 2017

We’re going to have to organize. Tips for constructive behaviour in a group

Photo: Ken Cedeno/Greenpeace, via Guardian

We are going to have to organize ourselves in our communities, in the U.S. and beyond. In the face of the rapid rise of right-wing xenophobic populism, orchestrated by Big Money which intends to mop up, we need to respond immediately with defiant solidarity across differences.

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Jane Fonda flying to oppose tar sands isn’t hypocrisy; that’s a “tu quoque” logical fallacy

January 13, 2017

Jane Fonda flying to oppose tar sands isn’t hypocrisy; that’s a “tu quoque” logical fallacy

@JaneSeymourFonda in the Alberta tar sands: with @barbarawilliam_, @UBCIC Grand Chief Stewart Phillip and ACFN (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation) Chief Allan Adam on January 11, 2017 (UBCIC Instagram)

This post is about a logical fallacy that for a decade has been popping up all over social media and comment streams on news stories.

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