2 comments on "Discuss."

  1. Boy who seeks attention, perhaps aspires to be as funny as Jack Black, although the girl at left is not buying it. He longs for summer, he is praying for more sunny weather. The girl is apprehensive, and thinks there may be stormy weather ahead. She is cold, but has a warm heart. Three friends follow, but only one is visible. He describes the social impact of the geometric brick, relating it either to better or worse use of stone elsewhere in the world. Perhaps he suggests a bit more variety of texture in the urban landscape would create a more inviting environment for people to mingle and meander. Like geometric interlocking use of some green grass, more variety of vegetation, something interesting to look at while sitting on the street furniture, oh please some moveable chairs, and less of the overpowering monotony of brick.

  2. Ha ha, Jason. Funny thing is, I actually loved that expanse of variegated brick; I probably photographed it badly. But you’re right – more greenery would help in that odd walkway/square. There are some beautiful geometric details though, and the whole scene was improved by the guy with the fairy wings. I’m going to add another photo showing how beautiful the white birch trunks were against the brick.

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