Desert Modern

RIP Julius Shulman, 1910 – 2009.

July 16, 2009

RIP Julius Shulman, 1910 – 2009.

Julius Shulman, the prominent architectural photographer who helped introduce North America to modern architecture, died yesterday at age 98. Shulman had never retired. Working solidly almost up until months before his death, he produced a remarkably complete photographic archive of modern American interiors and exteriors spanning more than a 50-year period.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Yesterday’s House of Tomorrow

April 4, 2009

Yesterday’s House of Tomorrow

Obviously the House of Tomorrow wasn’t meant to be part of everyone’s tomorrow. Nice Jag. Nice unbuttoned look, too. That’s the developer, Bob, with his wife Helene in their 1960 Desert Modern-style house in Palm Springs by Palmer & Krisel, architects.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised