
Furoshiki – Wrap holiday presents in the green, Japanese style

December 18, 2009

Furoshiki – Wrap holiday presents in the green, Japanese style

This is a Japanese tradition we desperately need to adopt in North America – re-using textiles to wrap presents. It’s an art form, but it’s worth learning because it dispenses with all the annoying and wasteful tape and paper and ribbon, it’s a fun skill to learn (for kids too), and it’s an educational conversation piece – you might have to explain to the recipient what it is, but that’s probably worthwhile.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Furoshiki: how-to videos.

December 14, 2008

Making a “drop bag” at Kakefuda, the famous Furoshiki shop in Kyoto where Mick Jagger bought a furoshiki last year. Also see How to tie up two Bottles and Furoshiki – Reusable Grocery Bag.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Wrap your bottle of wine in a furoshiki this year.

Wrap your bottle of wine in a furoshiki this year.

Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese means of wrapping presents or carrying objects in a square of cloth. It’s waste-free, it’s practical, and it’s beautiful. As an art form, furoshiki is less known outside Japan than origami, but it is just as venerable – it simply uses fabric instead of paper.

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