hell in a handbasket

They can’t seriously be closing Vancouver’s geodesic dome

November 27, 2009

They can’t seriously be closing Vancouver’s geodesic dome

City of Vancouver, why not just demolish the Planetarium, too, and all our other iconic, distinctive buildings while you’re at it? Do we even deserve architecture in this town?

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Categories: design, Uncategorised


May 20, 2009


You could almost call these buildings archeotecture, or perhaps archeolitecture, because though all three were built recently, they look and feel profoundly archeological. All of them have the mute, mysterious quality of monumental ancient ruins and they produce – for me, anyway – that weird, quiet, prickling-the-back-of-the-neck sensation you sometimes get when viewing something impossibly old. 

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Canadian Coconut chair, the election, and Margaret Atwood

October 15, 2008

Canadian Coconut chair, the election, and Margaret Atwood

“Electoral reform.” That’s our comment on yesterday’s Canadian federal election. On this dark day in Canadian politics, when a majority of Canadians couldn’t put a stop to the tyranny of a minority, here’s a nice photo of a famous piece of Canadian design.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised