modern nomad

Russian folk princess meets… 1968

November 28, 2008

Russian folk princess meets… 1968


Like nomad fashion, Russian styles keep circulating and recirculating in fashion. Maybe it’s because layered-against-the-elements clothes are compelling in uncertain times. Whatever it is, and whatever romantic, escapist fantasy these styles are probably satisfying, they’re beautiful.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

The nomad thing.

November 2, 2008

The nomad thing.

These “modern nomad” or “urban nomad” styles appeared in Canadian fashion magazine Flare this fall, and Vogue and and others published similar photographs. Since fashion and other areas of design tend to be strangely prescient about historical circumstances – for example, American Depression-era styles were on the runway for nearly a year and a half before the recent stock market crash – does this interest in nomadism mean anything?

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