graphics and signage

Russian family crest and coat of arms

February 19, 2017

Russian family crest and coat of arms

Just curious if anyone out there can read the symbolism in this crest? These wax seal stamps are from a Russian relative and I think they might be fairly old. The design seems to vary from stamp to stamp, one having lions and another having deer or impala, but despite differences it seems to be the same crest.

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Requiem for the American Dream

July 4, 2016

Requiem for the American Dream

Someone has uploaded a copy of the film Requiem for the American Dream. In it Noam Chomsky explains the process by which wealth inequality destroys democracy, how fantastic riches are not just intense concentration of wealth but of power, which then further speeds up the cycle of returning ever greater wealth to the rich through the deregulation of the economy that the rich demand.

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World Passport

January 22, 2016

World Passport

Old version of the World Passport, from 1979

The website of the organization that issues this passport, the  World Government of World Citizens and its associated World Service Authority (WSA), has a quote from Einstein:

So long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.

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