
Russian family crest and coat of arms

February 19, 2017

Russian family crest and coat of arms

Just curious if anyone out there can read the symbolism in this crest? These wax seal stamps are from a Russian relative and I think they might be fairly old. The design seems to vary from stamp to stamp, one having lions and another having deer or impala, but despite differences it seems to be the same crest.

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Soviet Saturn vs. Hoover Constellation vacuum

October 12, 2013

Soviet Saturn vs. Hoover Constellation vacuum

From “Soviet Life“, via Google Translate: “Hoover “Saturn.” In production since 1962 in Lithuania. His prototype – American «Hoover Constellation» 1955. Soviet engineers gave the American a spherical shape, and added features (the ability to use a blow-off mode) and mobility.

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The largest clear-span wooden building in the world – Tillamook Air Museum

March 17, 2013

The largest clear-span wooden building in the world – Tillamook Air Museum

The largest clear-span wooden building in the world, constructed entirely without glue wood, was built as a U.S. military air station hangar. It is now the Tillamook Air Museum in Oregon.

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Typography over at the Russian People’s Home

April 28, 2009

Typography over at the Russian People’s Home

The Russian Hall, formerly the Russian People’s Home, consistently produces typography so clear, so straightforward, so capitalized it is a manifesto in itself, design or political. This what happens when you try to produce design degree zero: the more you eschew style, the more you achieve it.

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