More Furniture in 24 Hours, part 1 – Space Bench

More Furniture in 24 hours by Spiros Zakas, 1979, cover

Some of these designs are actually pretty good. I’ll post some more if anyone wants them! I don’t know if that’s Spiros on the cover there, sitting on this Space Bench, or if it’s George Thomopolos, but whoever he is, he’s… groovy. It’s 1979 and they’re in New York City and apparently they’re going to build some interesting furniture in 4 hours. The $19 price tag definitely needs updating. It’s probably more like US$40-80—more if you use eco-plywood—and that’s not including paint or stain. There’s clearly a Gerrit Rietveld influence throughout the book, which considering the materials is to the furniture’s advantage. Click below to find page 2 of the plans for building this bench or go to my Flickr set for high res versions. I don’t know where my design partner Sarah found this book, but it’s fantastic.

Furniture in 24 hours by Spiros Zakas

Furniture in 24 hours by Spiros Zakas

Furniture in 24 hours by Spiros Zakas

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