Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

March 31, 2020

Homemade pandemic mask patterns for the Covid-19 outbreak, & useful links

There has been too much confusion around whether we should be wearing masks while in public during the pandemic. I’m in the “Yes” camp, and I’ve noticed that all the doctors I’ve talked to are in the Yes camp too, no matter what politicians and public officials have been saying.

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More colonial craft

June 25, 2015

More colonial craft

Once you start seeing something, it’s suddenly everywhere  (and it doesn’t help that people keep sending me examples). After noticing that we seem culturally obsessed with our colonial settlement of this city/province/country/continent right now, and that this pioneer DIY craft style has spread as far afield as Brisbane and Berlin, based on what people have written me, I feel compelled to keep collecting it.

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Town of Trinidad, Cuba

January 15, 2011

Town of Trinidad, Cuba

The entire 16th C town of Trinidad on Cuba’s south coast is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its heritage designation, as well as the complete—and for a Vancouverite visually relieving—absence of land speculators and developers in Cuba has kept the town very close to its original condition.

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Why don’t we have digital textile printing like this in North America?

January 2, 2010

Why don’t we have digital textile printing like this in North America?

This textile sample was given to me by Andy McDonald, a researcher within the Centre for Advanced Textiles at the Glasgow School of Art. He was at the end of a speaking tour in N.

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Marble runs – every house needs one.

December 3, 2009

Marble runs – every house needs one.

I spent hours as a kid making marble runs, using anything that was lying around my dad’s tool area. I’d usually start with a big chunk of solid wood (usually cedar, left over from deck-building) and make the marble wind around it in a spiral, down tracks made of elastic bands stretched between two pairs of nails, thin slats with grooves whittled out, leftover copper plumbing pipe etc.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised
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