There is something so beautiful about the way photographs and other objects are hung on the walls in traditional rooms in Greece. The objects are prized yet there’s also something casual and unprecious about the way they accumulate. The variety of frames is appealing, and so is the way shapshots are collected inside a single frame. Vintage family portraits in black and white are mixed with cheap colour prints but somehow it looks artful. The first two photographs here were taken on Rhodes; I’m not sure about the third. They are all by George Grigoriou, whose postcards of Greece often show interiors of houses and kafeneions (blog here). Other design features here are the pebbled floor and the tilted hanging of mirrors in the Rhodes cafe, below, and the practice of painting a sort of wainscot section of wall in cafes, to just above table height, as seen in the photo at bottom. But the best thing is the display of photos flanked by hundreds of plates in the Rhodes interior at top, and its enviable yellow built-in cabinet with dot detail.
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It is like it was in Russia when many persons lived in one flat and nonconformist art could only be shown in private rooms. Obviously they don’t do it any more, free space is luxury and this is the modern Russian living ideal, it seems.
Kandinsky’s desk in Murnau:
And this was the Tsar’s living room.