From the standpoint of 1970, this is apparently how “1980” was going to look. Actually, this vision wasn’t that far off, not as far off as Kubrick’s 1968 vision of what the year 2001 would look like. Above, a “think shell” from the total modular interior design concept known as “Home 1980.” IKEA needs to steal this idea. The kitchen is below. Photos from the vintage decor book 1601 Decorating Ideas for Modern Living, 1973.
Original captions for both photos: “From time to time the great chemical companies initiate research into the possibilities of the “house of tomorrow,” in order to bring their new synthetics to the atention of architects and interior designers and to show their versatility. The resulting creations, commissioned from outstanding design teams, often provide powerful impetus for mass productions – though models like the one shown here for a cooking center in “Home 1980” will probably not be produced in the foreseable future. It is designed to be built into a large, open room, and consists of basic components that can be completed by a number of additional units, thus suiting the needs of the individual owner. The round counter-like table at the right combines the stove, warming tray, and dining area; the hood over it, which contains ventilation, dehumidifying, and lighting equipment, demonstrates what technical perfection is already possible in today’s kitchen…. The “think shell” also belongs to “Home 1980,” and is supposed to provide the privacy needed for work. The screen can be lowered out of sight. Cabinets on casters, which are pushed against the wall when not in use, make the table a very personal workplace: each family member can roll his own equipment over to it with a twist of the wrist.”
I think every designer can recognize pattern of a “futuristic” view. There are some elements that are actually 1980, but the others are this “futuristic” theme. I think what happens is that designers take the current style, and take what they think the future would look like on top of it, hence creating these looks.