
Spaceship condo

May 25, 2011

Spaceship condo

Spaceship condominium in Guilford, Connecticut, designed by Wil Armster. We need to see more buildings like this, especially in Vancouver, to break up the endless architectural monotony not to mention mediocrity.

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“Aqualta” – New York and Tokyo, after the flood

December 5, 2009

“Aqualta” – New York and Tokyo, after the flood

Aqualta – New York and Tokyo by Studio Linfors.

“Aqualta – a play on Acqua Alta, the increasing high tides flooding Venice – visually explores what a coastal metropolis might feel like a hundred years from now due to rising sea levels.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Geodesic dome redux

May 28, 2009

Geodesic dome redux

This post is sort of a follow-up to a previous post with a similar thesis: that the 60s and 70s aren’t dead, they’re alive and well and living on tumblr.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised