Now that it’s November this is known as a “fall pumpkin carving.”

Japanese pumpkin raccoon

Hallowe’en is over but this fantastic Japanese raccoon figure survives. I wish it could stay there all winter. It was seen at this cool little bungalow – brick, which is unusual for Vancouver – a block away from the studio. The owners refurbished it and landscaped it themselves, but I was still taken aback by their pumpkin carving skills.

Japanese pumpkin raccoon at Strathcona bungalow

PS Addendum to this post: Scott Plumbe, the carver of this tanuki (Japanese raccoon dog) pumpkin, wrote in to say he took a night photo of it below and he has kindly let me add it here (see link for story). Farther below that is the “No Face” pumpkin carved by his wife Rosemary a few years ago. No Face is a character in my favourite animated film of all time, Spirited Away by Japanese filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki. Scott, not surprisingly, turns out to be a professional illustrator. This is an interesting way to meet your neighbours. See also this post on a house a few doors down from Scott and Rosemary’s.

Pumpkin - tanuki by Scott Plumbe

Pumpkin - Noface by Rosemary

10 comments on "Now that it’s November this is known as a “fall pumpkin carving.”"

    1. No Face! Are you kidding me? My favourite cartoon character of all time! Do you have pictures of it, and how can I have missed it? I would love to add your night photo of tanuki here, as well as a photo of No Face, if you’ll let me. Congratulations on your renovation and your landscaping and your pumpkin carving.

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