Does letterhead design reveal anything about the owner? Was Elvis himself responsible for that cool but unexpected minimal design (and if so, the terrible kerning of his name, too)? These are all from the blog Letterheady which collects letterhead stationery from an a wildly divergent group of people, organizations and eras. I find I want to see the letters that would have been written on this stationery, as with the Rolling Stones letter I ran a while back (compare to the Stones’ plain letterhead). But even blank, Letterheady is an addictive collection. Some of my favourites: W. C. Fields 1943, Dada 1920, Frank Zappa 1986, Neil Diamond 70s?, Playboy 1955, Elvis 1965, Frank Lloyd Wright 1939, Jim Henson 1977, Pixelflix 2009.
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these are awesome!
Elvis is perfect.