Harland Bartholomew, a key figure in twentieth-century Canadian and American urban planning, designed a comprehensive plan for the City of Vancouver between 1926 – 1930. Bing Thom Architects/ BTA Works have been working with the Vancouver City Archive and the Museum of Vancouver on a series on the “Bart Plan” as it’s known in planning circles. To learn more, see the BTA Works blog and attend the introductory event below (it’s free but you must register).
“In this 125th birthday year for the City of Vancouver, this public event looks back at the Vancouver that might have been, the metropolis that it has become, and the urban challenges and opportunities that lie before us.” The event is Tuesday, April 26, 2011, at 7 pm. Free. Register: https://bartplan.eventbrite.com/
UPDATE: The event is full and there’s a waiting list. There will be more events coming up – keep checking the BTA blog.