
Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP

March 12, 2014

Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP

The Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP is a comprehensive plan for a significant area of downtown/East Vancouver. It goes before City Council this week, where Council seems likely to pass it despite significant opposition.

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The Vancouver that might have been – the Bart Plan

April 16, 2011

Harland Bartholomew, a key figure in twentieth-century Canadian and American urban planning, designed a comprehensive plan for the City of Vancouver between 1926 – 1930. Bing Thom Architects/ BTA Works have been working with the Vancouver City Archive and the Museum of Vancouver on a series on the “Bart Plan” as it’s known in planning circles. 

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Where apathy comes from

Brilliant talk showing that apathy is not an individual failing but rather is constructed by cultural and civic barriers that aim to stifle your participation. Dave Meslin is funny and he’s right. You may enjoy his comparison between the way city halls bury development notices in publications and the way Nike sells shoes – if city hall really wanted your input, it would communicate differently with you.

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