
Prince, by Dylan Martinez
Photo: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Purple is associated with mourning as well as all the better known things—royalty, magic and spirituality etc. Somehow I’d forgotten this until Prince died.

I am so gutted by this news, I don’t even know what to write. I’m just going to think of every comma as a paisley from now on, in his honour.

It feels hard to overstate his importance, especially at a moment when many of the boundaries he tried to break down are being constructed again everywhere.
Prince RIP

How can we have lost both of our pretty, androgynous, boundary-ignoring geniuses in one year? It’s incomprehensible.


Sound check in Osaka – Summertime, uploaded by collaborator Steve Purcell

Prince on SNL party in 2015. “Dearly inebriated…”

And at Coachella in 2008, doing Radiohead.

Prince - Lovesexy

Goodnight, sweet Prince.


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