

April 24, 2016


Photo: Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Purple is associated with mourning as well as all the better known things—royalty, magic and spirituality etc. Somehow I’d forgotten this until Prince died.

I am so gutted by this news, I don’t even know what to write.

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Tags: death Prince RIP
Categories: music, Uncategorised, video


October 28, 2013


Dancing to Transformer inside the old Crying Room space a few weeks ago, oblivious and laughing at 4 am while singing along to:

And curtains laced with diamonds dear for you
And all the Roman Noblemen for you
And kingdom’s Christian Soldiers dear for you
And melting ice cap mountain tops for you
And knights in flaming silver robes for you
And bats that with a kiss turn prince for you.

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Categories: music, Uncategorised

Cringe List, Part 1: Alessi

January 20, 2009

Cringe List, Part 1: Alessi

I always meant to initiate a regular feature about bad design but for a long time I didn’t have the heart for it. For one thing, finding insincere design is like shooting fish in a barrel.

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