
Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience

May 18, 2012

Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience

“If sleep is the apogee of physical relaxation, boredom is the apogee of mental relaxation. Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience. A rustling in the leaves drives him away.

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Categories: book, textiles, Uncategorised


April 12, 2010


While at art school in Halifax, Nova Scotia, my American friends Paul and Eugene and I lived in a rented seaside house in a nearby fishing village. The day we moved in to our house in Shad Bay we found a framed map of our cove, and it showed a little island across the water from us marked ‘Treasure Island.’ For the next year we tried to get hold of a boat to get over there.

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Painted houses

June 10, 2009

Painted houses

Modernist Vancouver house of the painter BC Binning, who painted his own interior and exterior murals. Photo by Arne Haraldsson. See here for more information on this heritage-protected house.

In my neighbourhood there’s a heritage program called True Colours wherein you can receive a pat on the back from heritage types and sometimes free paint if you agree to paint your house in the original house colours circa 1901.

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