
Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP

March 12, 2014

Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP

The Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP is a comprehensive plan for a significant area of downtown/East Vancouver. It goes before City Council this week, where Council seems likely to pass it despite significant opposition.

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Update on the Ming Sun Building – low-income housing in Vancouver’s boomtown architecture threatened

January 15, 2014

Update on the Ming Sun Building – low-income housing in Vancouver’s boomtown architecture threatened

Orange Cars Powell, 1973, Photo reprinted by kind permission of Equinox Gallery and Fred Herzog. (Contact the gallery if you’re interested in purchasing one of this edition of 20.)

The Ming Sun Building is still standing.

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Imminent demolition of 122 year old building in Vancouver’s old Japantown

December 3, 2013

Imminent demolition of 122 year old building in Vancouver’s old Japantown

The frantic festival of demolition continues in Vancouver, a city whose demolition rate is double that of Toronto’s. And Toronto is no paragon of heritage either.

The City of Vancouver is attempting to force demolition of the 122 year-old building which belongs to the Ming Sun Benevolent Society.

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RIP Waldorf Hotel, another Vancouver cultural hub killed by condo interests

January 9, 2013

RIP Waldorf Hotel, another Vancouver cultural hub killed by condo interests


This is a disaster. Vision Vancouver, are you really going to allow more speculative condo development to take out one of the last good mixed cultural venues in the city?

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The Del Mar Inn, Vancouver, turns 100 this week. Join us for a birthday party!

August 1, 2012

The Del Mar Inn, Vancouver, turns 100 this week. Join us for a birthday party!

Please join the Or Gallery, the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and the Riste Family in saying Happy 100th Birthday to the Del Mar Inn! The Vancouver Heritage Foundation will be awarding a Places That Matter heritage plaque to the building on the occasion of its birthday.

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La Mexicaine de Perforation, Paris

July 26, 2010

La Mexicaine de Perforation, Paris

These are the only two photographs I could find of a clandestine cinema temporarily located in the Paris Catacombs and accidentally discovered by the police in 2006 while on a training exercise.

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Paris Shoes sold logging boots and ladies shoes to Vancouverites

November 13, 2009

Paris Shoes sold logging boots and ladies shoes to Vancouverites

Paris Shoes at 51 W. Hastings, in Vancouver, possibly 1919. Maybe if shoeboxes still looked this beautifully white you wouldn’t have to have salespeople constantly disappearing into the back. I somehow doubt that the uniform whiteness of this bank of shoe boxes could every happen again, though, and if it did it would be twee rather than pure utility. 

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Coast Modern – preview of the upcoming documentary film

June 16, 2009

Coast Modern – preview of the upcoming documentary film

These stills were shot during the filming of Coast Modern, a documentary film about West Coast modern house architecture, spanning from LA to Vancouver, by Vancouver filmmakers Gavin Froome and Mike Bernard.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Painted houses

June 10, 2009

Painted houses

Modernist Vancouver house of the painter BC Binning, who painted his own interior and exterior murals. Photo by Arne Haraldsson. See here for more information on this heritage-protected house.

In my neighbourhood there’s a heritage program called True Colours wherein you can receive a pat on the back from heritage types and sometimes free paint if you agree to paint your house in the original house colours circa 1901.

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