
The Lightbulb Conspiracy, aka Pyramids of Waste, a documentary on planned obsolescence

July 16, 2013

The Lightbulb Conspiracy, aka Pyramids of Waste, a documentary on planned obsolescence

The practice of planned obsolescence of consumer products includes Apple computers, as you’ll see if you watch the whole film. As a designer who attempts to make things that last, both in their material content and workmanship, the planned failure of other design objects is a slap in the face.

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Buy Nothing Day

November 23, 2012

Buy Nothing Day

Buy Nothing Day was launched by Vancouver’s Adbusters Magazine.

“The journey towards a sane sustainable future begins with a single step. It could all start with a personal challenge, such as this: make a vow to yourself to participate in Buy Nothing Day this year.

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In praise of hemp – as textile, as paper, as food source

August 7, 2012

In praise of hemp – as textile, as paper, as food source

Seeing the above graphic on Facebook recently (source wasn’t credited) reignited my longstanding frustration over our global failure to switch (back) to hemp as a major source for textiles, paper and food.

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Vivienne Westwood: The whole 20th C was a mistake

May 5, 2012

Vivienne Westwood: The whole 20th C was a mistake

Via The Guardian:  “A status symbol is a book… that’s status.” “Punk was just an excuse for people to run around…it was just a fashion that became a marketing opportunity.” “The whole 20th C was a mistake… throwing the baby out with the bathwater.” “Study art and you become a freedom fighter.”

More from Westwood here.

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Brown paper packages tied up with string

December 15, 2010

Brown paper packages tied up with string

These are a few of my favourite things. Above, a white painted branch with Kraft-paper wrapped gifts is a minimalist advent calendar, by the inventive DIY Brigg from Norway via The Style Files.

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