cuts to arts funding

This is my Olympics post – but it’s not about sports. It’s about the arts.

February 13, 2010

This is my Olympics post – but it’s not about sports. It’s about the arts.

Cariboo region farmers Janet Allen and Murray Boal want the BC government to restore arts funding to pre-election levels. Both farmers are angry that the BC government claimed that culture was the “second pillar” of its bid for the 2010 Olympics, and now has slashed arts funding by up to 90% over the next two years.

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Categories: art, Uncategorised

“Put down those pens, authors! Put down those brushes, artists! Why not go into the service industry? Or banking?”

April 20, 2009

Apologies to non-Canadian readers, but I need to address our national broadcaster. Dear CBC, Canadians need much more Seán Cullen on CBC radio, and much less Stuart McLean. Why do we have to wait until summer to listen to Simply Seán on the radio?

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