Happy National Aboriginal Day everyone!
Wab Kinew, always concise, does 500 years of ‘Canadian’ history in 2 minutes.
June 21, 2015
Happy National Aboriginal Day everyone!
Wab Kinew, always concise, does 500 years of ‘Canadian’ history in 2 minutes.
September 27, 2012
Great video from CBC’s George Stromboulopoulos show and its Soap Box series. It’s “5 First Nations Stereotypes” by the entertaining Wab Kinew.
Wab, host of the Doc Zone series 8th Fire, is also a CBC News Winnipeg reporter on CBC Television, and a hip-hop artist, named by the Winnipeg Free Press as one of the top artists to watch from Manitoba.
October 1, 2010
Pierre Trudeau (white suit) entering Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre, UN-Habitat Conference on Human Settlements, 1976. Courtesy CBC. All rights reserved.
Happy World Habitat Day! I bet you didn’t know that the UN has declared October 1 World Habitat Day.
July 15, 2010
“You don’t have to call me sir.” “No, I don’t have to… I forgot your name.”
(For those who don’t know, the late Peter Gzowski was Canada’s most beloved CBC TV and radio interviewer.
September 30, 2009
Dear Stella Artois and iTunes,
There are 30-plus million of us Canadians. Did you think there was a chance that none of us would notice your commercial appropriation of one of our most popular non-commercial national symbols?
April 20, 2009
Apologies to non-Canadian readers, but I need to address our national broadcaster. Dear CBC, Canadians need much more Seán Cullen on CBC radio, and much less Stuart McLean. Why do we have to wait until summer to listen to Simply Seán on the radio?