delusions of grandeur

One of these things is not like the other.

October 10, 2009

One of these things is not like the other.

Things for your garden, from right to left: Roman column, menacing bird of prey statue fit for a military dictator, mass-produced standing stone with Chinese inscription, birdbath/fountain with peeing cupid and his parents, cartoon meteorite.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

This room is, believe it or not, a closet.

July 24, 2009

This room is, believe it or not, a closet.

This closet/dressing room is part of a townhouse on NYC’s West Side. The house was decorated by interior designer Samuel Botero in a mad eclectic mix of all possible ornate styles, including Egyptian Revival and Biedermeier and art deco, at his clients’ request.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised