
Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

January 28, 2017

Brilliant response to that idiot’s wall by Indigenous Psychologists in the U.S.

Border following the Rio Grande. Image from CNN video

The Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP) Statement on the Proposal to Build a Wall between what is Known as the US and what is Known as México:

Approved by the SIP EC January 27, 2017

The Society of Indian Psychologists strongly opposes President Trump’s proposal to build a wall between what is known as the United States of America and what is known as México.

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Marg Delahunty says she’s going by boat to Ottawa. With her sword.

October 7, 2015

Marg Delahunty says she’s going by boat to Ottawa. With her sword.

Give the poor Crime Minister the chance he so desperately needs. Vote anybody but Conservative. Help Stasi Steve, Our Dear Leader, Stevil.. to stop all his relentless, exhausting fear-mongering… What is their dark agenda?

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