The impulse in Berber rug-making to both interrupt and also loosely maintain a pattern seems unique in traditional textiles. If not unique, then it’s hard to name a tradition that equals Berber mastery of this particular tension.
June 27, 2011
The impulse in Berber rug-making to both interrupt and also loosely maintain a pattern seems unique in traditional textiles. If not unique, then it’s hard to name a tradition that equals Berber mastery of this particular tension.
January 1, 2009
After weeks of snow in Vancouver I randomly searched for “Siberian interiors” on Flickr, just to see how snowy regions decorate. Maybe it has nothing to do with counteracting the blank endless wastes of snow, but the standard Siberian decorating philosophy seems to be “There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Pattern.” The exceptions were an amazing white shop interior in Novosibirsk, above, almost Swedish in its simplicity, and a museum version of a traditional Siberian wooden house, at bottom.