kinetic sculpture

Ben Rubin’s San Jose Semaphore

March 28, 2012

Ben Rubin’s San Jose Semaphore

Perhaps my favourite digital art piece, Ben Rubin’s San José Semaphore. Photo by Peter Elst.

From Ben Rubin’s Vimeo:

San José Semaphore, by artist Ben Rubin, is a permanent public artwork commissioned by Adobe Systems Incorporated in collaboration with the City of San Jose’s Office of Cultural Affair’s Public Art Program.

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Lost City Arts

May 29, 2009

Lost City Arts

I found Lost City Arts by accident when searching for works by Harry Bertoia. Like this shop, Lost City has eccentric art and furniture pieces that are substantially more eye-catching or compelling than market-produced objects mainly because most of their art furniture was, in fact, made by sculptors.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised