The composer Laurie Spiegel in her studio. An amateur musician from childhood, Spiegel detoured through the social sciences at university and then returned to music, later founding NYU’s Computer Music Studio.
November 26, 2011
July 23, 2009
A few years ago architect/builder David Hovey designed and built this house for himself and his family in Winnetka, Illinois, just outside Chicago. Like most of Hovey’s buildings the house is constructed of relatively simple materials, including perforated steel I-beams, and all its parts are designed to be pre-fabricated and then shipped in.
May 29, 2009
I found Lost City Arts by accident when searching for works by Harry Bertoia. Like this shop, Lost City has eccentric art and furniture pieces that are substantially more eye-catching or compelling than market-produced objects mainly because most of their art furniture was, in fact, made by sculptors.
May 10, 2009
Buildings by the Albuquerque-based architect Bart Prince. The top photographs show the house he built for Joe Price, a collector of Edo-era Japanese art and design. This is a small sample of photos of his work from the April 2009 issue of Wallpaper Magazine (a really good issue).