Dad’s foolproof parallel parking method (take note, atrocious drivers in fancy cars)

August 18, 2016

Dad’s foolproof parallel parking method (take note, atrocious drivers in fancy cars)

OK. Having witnessed perhaps the most staggeringly incompetent parallel park of all time by the driver of the $500K US Lamborghini Aventador above—something like a 17 point turn that took about 4 minutes, all at a roaring 90-100 decibels—I feel it’s time to share my father’s foolproof method of parallel parking.

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Jim Green (RIP) & Vancouver men – comic PSA against Gendered Violence

February 29, 2012

I love you, Vancouver. Environmentalist David Suzuki, University Chair Andrew Petter, Activist Jim Green and other Vancouver luminaries in a funny & also really touching PSA.

RIP Jim Green, defender of the poor, a Vancouver icon, one of the greats.

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