Saudi Arabia

Exhilarating watching a journalist nail a PM to the wall

May 18, 2016

Exhilarating watching a journalist nail a PM to the wall

We know that the Saudi regime is a serious human rights abuser, so why is Canada selling it armoured vehicles, the very ones used to intimidate its populace? At times like this I wish we had TV interviewers in Canada with as much mettle as Jon Snow backing David Cameron into a corner on why the UK supported Saudi Arabia’s bid to be on the UN’s Human Rights Council .

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Wadi Hanifah, from dump to natural oasis

November 25, 2010

Wadi Hanifah, from dump to natural oasis

Inspiring story about the 10-year long restoration of the Wadi Hanifah oasis outside Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, via Globeandmail.

“A Canadian planning and architecture firm has won an Aga Khan Award for Architecture for the sweeping transformation of a once-polluted Saudi waterway into a system of parks in the heart of the desert, using a system of bio-remediation.

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