![Canadian mining and violence](https://ounodesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Screen-Shot-2019-03-29-at-3.39.36-PM-500x680.png)
This Globe and Main article is, regrettably, behind a paywall. I’m for supporting journalism, but the Globe and Mail has explicitly targeted a wealthy readership and a subscription is fabulously expensive.
March 29, 2019
January 2, 2016
I can’t get this article out of my mind, more than all the ones I read on terrorism and violence in 2015. I’m not sure why. It’s by Vijay Prashad, educated in the US and working out of New Delhi.
December 3, 2011
McCabe & Mrs. Miller, released in 1971, was one of Robert Altman’s earliest feature films (after M*A*S*H*, That Cold Day in the Park, and Brewster McCloud).
June 16, 2011
“Hockey’s over-the-top fandom (and the same could be said for the Olympics) seems a frantic expression of what the post-modern metropolis and its high-rise ghettos lack and even deliberately negate — a human-scale community in which individuals feel purposeful and acknowledged.”
“In the absence of any shared collective progressive principles, the BC elite longed for a new solidarity forged from of this “fighting collectivity” of Canucks fans.