Tetsu Teahouse in Japan, by Terunobu Fujimori

teahouse by Terunobu Fujimori at the Kyoharu Geijutu Mura in Yamanashi Prefecture

Minimalism and fantasy, together. The interior of this teahouse is simple and modern, while the fantastical exterior looks like something from a Hiyao Miyazaki film. The interior view of the sliding wooden doors or shutters is just beautiful. The building is a Japanese teahouse by Terunobu Fujimori, who represented Japan at the Venice Biennale, in Yamanashi Prefecture. The photographs are by Dana + Leroy. The hatch in the floor is the entrance. For more by Fujimori see here and here.

Teahouse by Terunobu Fujimori at the Kyoharu Geijutu Mura in Yamanashi Prefecture

Click below for more photos of the Tetsu Teahouse and the similar “Too High Teahouse.”

Hermitage High too far / 高過庵

Takasugi-an, tea room by Terunobu Fujimori

2 comments on "Tetsu Teahouse in Japan, by Terunobu Fujimori"

  1. hello,

    I was wondering if you can tell me where these photos were shot. I would like to go there too but cannot find the location.

    thanks and hoping to hear back from you

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