Another pleasing structure by Finnish architect Marco Casagrande. (See other projects here.) Called Apelle, it’s made to resemble a boat, and was in fact assembled by local boat carpenters.
May 6, 2013
March 17, 2013
The largest clear-span wooden building in the world, constructed entirely without glue wood, was built as a U.S. military air station hangar. It is now the Tillamook Air Museum in Oregon.
October 9, 2012
Antique kitchen door in German chalet, part of the set of UK film “Chalet Girl” starring Felicity Jones and Bill Nighy. Fluff film, but great set. Is this a common door design in the alps?
July 9, 2012
Chandelier at Northern Rockies Lodge on Muncho Lake, Northern BC. Wooden rounds each hole-sawn to house a pot light. It was really quite beautiful.
The lodge is on the Alaska Highway that stretches from Dawson Creek BC to Alaska.
May 30, 2012
December 22, 2011
Why do discoveries of ancient houses make me so happy? A 44,000 year old Neanderthal bone house has been found near Moldova in Eastern Ukraine. It’s a nearly circular structure made from woolly mammoth bone, and it’s 26 feet wide at its widest point – that’s pretty substantial, the same width as the little church I live in.
December 17, 2011
April 2, 2011
Photo © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2011 // Livet Hemma
IKEA boxes, some with interiors painted, assembled via art clips. Very clever. Via doorsixteen (and the rest of her post contains good material too).
March 20, 2011
December 1, 2010
John di Castri is one of Victoria, BC’s best known architects. This house seemed strangely familiar to me, and then I discovered that di Castri had left Victoria for Oklahoma to study for three years with Bruce Goff (see Goff’s influence here).