These are all of our posts that include DIY ideas or actual tutorials. Please contact us if you want more information about any of these projects!

I miss Nest Quarterly Magazine.

November 9, 2008

I miss Nest Quarterly Magazine.

I have been really feeling the absence of Nest: A Quarterly of Interiors magazine lately, more than four years after it became defunct. On a whim I Google searched “I miss Nest Magazine” this week and found out how very not alone I am. 

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On the cheap in NYC

November 6, 2008

On the cheap in NYC

Art and architecture students produce creative DIY interiors on small budgets in NYC. For details see the NYT article. A wire cloud sculpture; a kitchen table made easily from a wood slab and tube legs from Home Depot; hanging wood light fixture made from ply offcuts; small space made larger via a loft bed and storage steps, with a desk surface made by resting a wood slab on two filing cabinets; spare paint used for wall decoration; spectacular chandelier made from plastic bags; kitchen cabinet made with a jigsaw and waste plywood.

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Minimalism vs. maximalism – “minimum is maximum in drag.”

November 2, 2008

Minimalism vs. maximalism – “minimum is maximum in drag.”

It would be hard to count the number of times I’ve seen a photo of a beautiful minimalist interior in a blog and then scrolled down to the comments to discover that many people find it cold, sterile, clinical, unfit for kids, even morally reprehensible.

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Everyone loves an indoor swing.

October 28, 2008

Everyone loves an indoor swing.

A swing inside the house changes things. Yes, not everyone has a ceiling high enough or room wide enough for a swing, and yes, most of the photos we found of indoor swings pictured them in lofts—and in lofts you can do many things indoors that people normally do outside.

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Vintage silk scarf pillows. Make your own.

September 11, 2008

Vintage silk scarf pillows. Make your own.

Yesterday Apartment Therapy featured some pillows made from vintage scarves by  Madeline Weinrib (directly below) and sheesh, they run from US$900-$1200. You can make your own. AT recommends this tutorial from Martha Stewart Living but we’ve also included our own below, because 2 tutorials are better than one.

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