
Custom woodwork by Vladimir

July 5, 2010

Custom woodwork by Vladimir

This is my friend Vladimir, a master woodworker in Vancouver who is originally from Moscow. I feel that local craftspeople like Vlad who produce one-of-a-kind objects and high-level custom work do not get enough press.

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When “today” had the ring of “tomorrow”

May 17, 2009

When “today” had the ring of “tomorrow”

Photos are all from the 1975 edition of Inside Today’s Home  by Ray and Sarah Faulkner, Holt Rinehart Winston. (The 1954, 1960 and 1968 editions of this book are all worth collecting too, if you can find them on abebooks.) The word “today” somehow sounded more optimistic then than it does now, though of course back then you did have the bomb to consider.

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Houses like spaceships, spaceships like houses

January 11, 2009

Houses like spaceships, spaceships like houses

Bathroom futurism! Excellent circular spaceship thing going on here. I’m not sure about shag rugs in the bathroom, but will boldly go where no one has gone before. Still, how on earth would you clean this room?

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