
Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design

April 22, 2012

Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design

I have been looking forward to the publication of Richard Olsen’s book Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design, and it has now been released by Rizzoli.

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The Comfort of Things, by Daniel Miller

July 27, 2010

The Comfort of Things, by Daniel Miller

“We live today in a world of ever more stuff – what sometimes seems a deluge of goods and shopping. We tend to assume that this has two results: that we are more superficial, and that we are more materialistic, our relationships to things coming at the expense of our relationships to people.

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“If I Had a Hammer? What Do You Mean If?”

April 19, 2010

“If I Had a Hammer? What Do You Mean If?”

Before I start, I’m asking on behalf of the owners of this house that nobody reposts or reproduces any of these images anywhere without my permission. Like a lot of people who have built their own houses in the woods, the owners, who are relatives of mine, appreciate their privacy and feel a bit negative about seeing their house all over the internet.

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Make It Digital Textiles – blog review

January 22, 2010

Make It Digital Textiles – blog review

This is a follow-up to an earlier post on the way digital technology and textile printing is fueling a wave of experimentation in textile design. I just heard from Melanie Bowles, a lecturer at the Chelsea School of Art in London, who produces a very interesting blog called makeitdigitaltextiles.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Diet Cookbook, 1974, plus nudity

July 7, 2009

Diet Cookbook, 1974, plus nudity

This 1974 book cover has everything including mod 3D typeface, superimposed naked women in psychedelic colours, and an author named bureau of consumer research in lower case.

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When “today” had the ring of “tomorrow”

May 17, 2009

When “today” had the ring of “tomorrow”

Photos are all from the 1975 edition of Inside Today’s Home  by Ray and Sarah Faulkner, Holt Rinehart Winston. (The 1954, 1960 and 1968 editions of this book are all worth collecting too, if you can find them on abebooks.) The word “today” somehow sounded more optimistic then than it does now, though of course back then you did have the bomb to consider.

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Door by Door Sixteen

May 1, 2009

Door by Door Sixteen

I’m mesmerized by this door photo by Anna Dorfman-Stark, whose Door Sixteen is one of my favourite blogs. This amazing doorway is in New York City, and I’m probably going to think of it as “door sixteen” from now on. 

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Stellated polyhedra – mathematical models

April 29, 2009

Stellated polyhedra – mathematical models

When I was about 12, my dad and I built four stellated polyhedra (star-shaped, many-sided platonic solids). Dad, a mathematician and math teacher, used the book shown below as a resource and then worked out his own dimensions and angles (you can see his notations right in the book).

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