This superb article on public space and cities by Will Hutton appeared in the Guardian on Sunday, June 16. I’ve reprinted it here in full.
Hutton explains why cities are starting to look the way they do by pointing to various financial behaviours.
June 15, 2013
This superb article on public space and cities by Will Hutton appeared in the Guardian on Sunday, June 16. I’ve reprinted it here in full.
Hutton explains why cities are starting to look the way they do by pointing to various financial behaviours.
October 15, 2011
The sign above bears a quote from philosopher Bertrand Russell: “Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principle of liberty, which can be embodied in one maxim, “the fortunate must not be restrained in their tyranny over the unfortunate”.”
Occupy Vancouver had a promising start on a warm, beautiful fall day.
October 5, 2011
Most of the photos here were taken by a friend of mine, Canadian filmmaker Velcrow Ripper, at Occupy Wall Street. Reproduced here with permission. See his whole gallery of Occupy Wall Street photos.