
We’re going to have to organize. Tips for constructive behaviour in a group

January 26, 2017

We’re going to have to organize. Tips for constructive behaviour in a group

Photo: Ken Cedeno/Greenpeace, via Guardian

We are going to have to organize ourselves in our communities, in the U.S. and beyond. In the face of the rapid rise of right-wing xenophobic populism, orchestrated by Big Money which intends to mop up, we need to respond immediately with defiant solidarity across differences.

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Occupy Vancouver

October 15, 2011

Occupy Vancouver

The sign above bears a quote from philosopher Bertrand Russell: “Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principle of liberty, which can be embodied in one maxim, “the fortunate must not be restrained in their tyranny over the unfortunate”.”

Occupy Vancouver had a promising start on a warm, beautiful fall day.

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Goodbye Jericho Wharf

August 17, 2011

Goodbye Jericho Wharf

1976 Greenpeace launch at Jericho Beach Wharf, with seaplane hangars behind in the Moderne style

Goodbye to another old Vancouver landmark. While the loss of the wharf is sad, the greater loss actually happened about thirty years ago: the demolition of the old beachside military hangars behind the wharf.

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