
Pack horse trip in the Northern Rockies: Muskwa-Kechika

July 9, 2012

Pack horse trip in the Northern Rockies: Muskwa-Kechika

[Update: The Globe and Mail has finally run the story about our trip. Wilderness guide and Globe travel writer Bruce Kirkby came along on our leg of the ride.]

I just spent two weeks out of internet range, riding through the remote Northern Rockies on horseback.

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Chen House in Taiwan by Marco Casagrande/Frank Chen

May 20, 2009

Chen House in Taiwan by Marco Casagrande/Frank Chen

The Chen House in North Taiwan, design and constructed by Finnish architect Marco Casagrande and Taiwanese architect Frank Chen, was built for an older couple who wanted to retire to the country and grow bamboo and cherry trees – on a flood plain also beset by hurricanes and earthquakes.

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