heritage hipster

Murder Murder

April 28, 2015

Murder Murder

Apparently this is not a renegade settler war party, it’s a new “bloodgrass” band from Sudbury in Northern Ontario called Murder Murder.  You can listen to their banjo-esque non-Northern-Ontario-ish neo-bluegrass murdery numbers at the link above.

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Colonial aesthetics and Ralph Lauren

December 20, 2014

Colonial aesthetics and Ralph Lauren

In a direct line from my earlier post on the heritage hipster style as a settler colonial aesthetic, here is another exhibit in the colonial museum of fashion: Ralph Lauren using genocide-era vintage photographs of native men in western dress as part of its recent marketing campaign.

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Settler & pioneer “heritage hipster” styles in the age of Idle No More, Chinatown gentrification, &c.

October 14, 2014

Settler & pioneer “heritage hipster” styles in the age of Idle No More, Chinatown gentrification, &c.

Men in British Columbia, 1859, one in a newly discovered collection of early photographs of white settlers and First Nations in B.C. Via Vancouver Sun © Royal British Columbia Museum, reprinted with permission

An abridged version of this essay has been published in the May/June 2015 issue of Briarpatch Magazine

I am probably as bored of casual hipster-slagging as you are.

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A friend put this captioned magazine page through my mailbox

May 29, 2014

A friend put this captioned magazine page through my mailbox

This made me laugh quite hard.

Also, courtesy of the enjoyable fuckyournoguchitable tumblr: antlers, actual real taxidermy, fake taxidermy, steer skull and cardboard antlers.

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