Mike Riste

The Del Mar Inn, Vancouver, turns 100 this week. Join us for a birthday party!

August 1, 2012

The Del Mar Inn, Vancouver, turns 100 this week. Join us for a birthday party!

Please join the Or Gallery, the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and the Riste Family in saying Happy 100th Birthday to the Del Mar Inn! The Vancouver Heritage Foundation will be awarding a Places That Matter heritage plaque to the building on the occasion of its birthday.

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Unlimited Growth Increases the Divide: RIP George Riste

November 28, 2010

Unlimited Growth Increases the Divide: RIP George Riste

This small residential hotel in downtown Vancouver was stubbornly saved from demolition by its amazing owner, the quietly determined George Riste. George resisted numerous attempts by BC Hydro to buy his building, continually asserting the rights of his tenants to remain exactly where they were.  

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